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Activion (16-Slice)


Model No. New/Refurbished Make AERB Type Approval No.
Activion16 Refurbished with Warranty TOSHIBA 39/57

Introducing the ActivionTM16 - a multislice CT system, a new addition to Toshiba's Multislice family, that combines the high technology of Toshiba's 4-to-64 slice systems to provide exceptional image quality with a single-console interface. 
The machine has outstanding reconstruction speed and automated MPR generation of true isotropic data expands your diagnostic capabilities and push productivity to a new level.

Salient Features:

  • SUREExposure Dose Reduction
  • QDS (Quantum Denoising Software)
  • Boost 3D
  • 4 MHU Tube
  • RealEC (Realtime Exposure Control) - Dose Reduction Technique
  • Easy operation & High Quality Images
  • 72 cm bore & 205 kgs of bed's weight bearing capaicty
  • Intuitive presets for scanning
  • Auto MPR
  • 42kW High Power Generator